Parkrun Tourists!

by Michael

I like to run.

Back in San Francisco, I regularly ran a Saturday morning 5k called Parkrun. Launched in the UK, Parkrun events are held all over the world,* usually on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Each runner brings a barcode and volunteers record the runners’ times. Due to the high popularity of Parkrun in the UK and the popularity of San Francisco as a tourist destination, about half of the runners any given week in SF are tourists. I’ve met plenty of travers, some who I still follow on Strava (an app used to track running routes/statistics).

*While there are Parkruns all over the world, there were none close to anywhere we visited so far, until Russia. There is now a Parkrun in Stockholm, Sweden, but it was not operating until after our visit.

I was never able to convince Elizabeth to run the San Francisco Parkrun, but she agreed to join me on runs in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

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